
The following is a partial list of clients that Moreira Consulting has provided services to over the last few years.


These links are not to the client's web sites, but are to portals on the Moreira site to provide information for the client's use only.

Financial Chrysler Financial Corp.
Fidelity Investments
IFM North America
Lehman Brothers
Merrill Lynch
Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.
Computing Apple Computer, Inc.
Conextions, Inc.
ICAD, Inc. (now Concentra)
NeXT Computer, Inc.
Stratus Computer, Inc.
Entertainment ABC.COM Internet Group
MJI Broadcasting, Inc.
The Walt Disney Company
Communications AT&T
ICTV, Inc.
Medical Brigham-Women's Hospital
Dana Farber
Insurance Aetna, Inc.
Intelliframe, Inc.
M Financial
Legal Baker & McKenzie Consulting Advis, Inc.
Real Estate Yale Woods, LLC Non-Profit Center Stage, Inc.
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